
The Samaritan's Patient: A New Novel from Chevron Ross

By November 24, 2023No Comments

Dear Subscribers,

My third novel, The Samaritan’s Patient, is in the hands of AIA Publishing and will be available soon through Amazon. Below you will find a description of the book, some early reviews, and a sneak peek at the opening chapter. I’ll send you an update when the book goes on sale.

In the meantime, please contact me at [email protected] if you have any questions. You can find out more about The Samaritan’s Patient and other Chevron Ross novels at https://chevronross.net/. Thanks to everyone for subscribing to my website. You make all my efforts worthwhile.

The Samaritan’s Patient

Teenager Paige Abernathy awakens after a severe beating to find that she suffers from amnesia, and that everyone seems to hate her. She has only flashes of memory until the night a grieving parent attacks her in her hospital room. Paige then remembers her role as creator of an online group where members talk about ways to commit suicide.

After recovering from the beating, Paige embarks on a journey of penance to atone for a disaster born of good intentions. Her odyssey launches her on a mission of mercy and into new danger.

The Samaritan’s Patient is a thought-provoking novel about navigating the treacherous waters of social media.

Early Reviews

“Masterfully composed, with a steady pace, a stunning plot, and characters I am going to remember for a long time. This is a haunting story that has been deftly woven together with care, to encourage the reader to peek behind the curtain and view a world that needs help from us – the instruments of God. Remarkable read, and highly recommended.” —International Review of Books

“When it is late at night, you have no electricity, and the only light is from your cellphone, but you can’t stop reading, then you know this is one of the best books you have ever read. Paige Abernathy is a great role model, a character that young girls can look up to. The topics discussed within these pages are something this generation needs to consider, now more than ever.” – Antoinette Wessels, Readers’ Favorite

“The Samaritan’s Patient is a thoughtful and well-developed novel that explores the pitfalls and dangers of social media, particularly when it comes to sites designed for individuals with suicidal ideation. Readers will relish the complexity of Paige’s character as she pieces together her identity and faces the accusations being thrown against her.” – BookLife Prize

Click HERE to read Chapter One

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