
Sara Whitley: Brave Author

By June 28, 2024No Comments

Today it’s my privilege to feature author Sara Whitley. She’s a member of Brave Authors, a Facebook collaboration of Christian fiction writers.

Author Profile

I am a wife to Ben, mom to Elyse, Oliver, and Isaiah, a social worker at the VA, and a Christian fiction author. My mission in my writing is to “illuminate the darkness one book at a time.” I do this by writing flawed characters who make plenty of mistakes, wrestle with their faith, and ask God the types of questions real people do like, “If He’s so good, why does He allow bad things to happen?”

My three-book series, The Hope on the Horizon Series, features three pro-life books that I hope will challenge my Christian readers’ preconceived notions surrounding unplanned pregnancy as well as strengthen their faith as they see my characters learn to trust in the sovereignty of God.

When I’m not working or spending time with my family, I enjoy baking—I am a bit of a sourdough nerd—running—I have one marathon under my belt and hope to get at least one more done in the next six years—and volunteering in my church. We are very involved in our church!

Click Here to Visit Sara Whitley’s Website

The Hope on the Horizon Series

Another Ending (Book 1)

Is Molly willing to cross the one line she swore she never would to put her shattered life back together again?

Molly Taylor’s never had a problem trusting God, and she’s got Tanner Walters to thank for that. Best friends since kindergarten, Tanner’s faithfully walked by her side through all life’s ups and downs. And he’s been biding his time, too, waiting for just the right moment to ask Molly to take the next big step with him.


Before he can make his move, though, Jason Moore returns to town, stealing Molly’s heart—and Tanner’s chances. As their relationship blossoms, so do Tanner’s fears. There’s just something about Jason that doesn’t sit right with him.

He’s dangerous.

Something Molly doesn’t realize until after he derails her life in a single night.

Ashamed, Molly buries the truth of what happened that night and does her best to get her life back on track—with Tanner this time. As she slowly begins to heal, one final, stinging betrayal ushers in a new realization for Molly.

That healing from what Jason did to her isn’t possible, especially not at the hands of a God who didn’t protect her from him in the first place. So, she sets off in search of healing apart from Him.

What will it take for Molly to turn around and face her darkness—and the God who’s followed her into that darkness, beckoning her out?

Fans of Karen Kingsbury will love this gripping story of first love, heart wrenching loss, and redemption at the foot of the cross.

An Open Window (Book 2)

Can Molly let go of her dreams to take ahold of the plans God has for her?

After three years searching for healing from a life-shattering trauma, Molly Taylor finally found it in the one place she swore she never would.

In God.

And she’s ready to step into whatever future He has in store for her.

A future that no longer includes the one person she assumed it always would—Tanner Walters. Devastated he didn’t wait for her during her lost years, Molly throws herself into her continued healing, determined to move on with someone new. But as she watches her family and friends find their happily-ever-afters around her, Molly can’t help but wonder if her past mistakes disqualify her from finding her own.

Until Tyler Sanderson comes knocking on her door.

Cautiously optimistic that happily-ever-after is possible, Molly begins writing the next chapter of her life, forgetting one crucial detail.

She isn’t the one holding the pencil.

God is.

And when it becomes clear He’s writing a very different story than the one Molly has in mind, suddenly she’s not so sure she can follow Him wherever it is He’s leading her.

Will Molly keep the window of her heart open to God’s plan, or will she wrestle for control and slam the window shut?

Fans of Karen Kingsbury will love this tear-jerking sequel of lost love, heartbreaking sacrifice, and second chances through Christ alone.

A New Day Dawning (Book 3)

The one person Molly never wanted to see again is back…and he’s asking for forgiveness.

Molly Taylor is no stranger to storms.

But she’d sure appreciate if the sunshine stuck around for a bit.

With Tanner back in her life now, this time for keeps, Molly’s confident that there’s nothing but sunny skies ahead. Until an unexpected diagnosis at her baby’s twenty-week anatomy scan threatens to blot out that sun, that is. While nothing could change the love Molly has for her baby, she’s not sure she’s strong enough to step into another storm.

Then the perfect distraction blows in—guiding a young waitress Molly works with through an unplanned pregnancy. Fulfilled and finally on board with God’s version of her happily-ever-after, Molly is knocked to her knees when sudden tragedy strikes. Just when she thinks things couldn’t possibly get any worse, Molly receives a phone call from the one person she banked on never seeing or hearing from again—Jason Moore. And while jarring, it reminds Molly that she isn’t the one to blame for all she’s been through over the years.

Jason is.

And there’s no way she can forgive him like he asks her to.

Can Molly do this impossible task God is asking of her, or will she let her anger enclose her in a prison of bitterness?

Featured by Chevron Ross

Follow these links for more about the Chevron Ross novels

     Weapons of Remorse    The Seven-Day Resurrection   The Samaritan’s Patient

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