


Allen Drury’s Ruthless Journalist

While reading Allen Drury’s novel Anna Hastings, I couldn’t help thinking of Helen Thomas, the longtime United Press International correspondent. A fixture at White House news conferences for many decades, she was known for asking blunt, intimidating questions at a time when the Presidential press corps was almost exclusively male.…
June 25, 2021

State of Wonder: A Chevron Ross Book Review

It’s hard to read this book without thinking of Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. A woman’s journey into the Amazon forest to find an eccentric scientist isn’t far off the mark, and I wonder if Ann Patchett had Conrad in mind when she conceived this tale. Dr. Marina Singh, researcher…
June 18, 2021

Great Opening Lines

One of the keys to successful writing is grabbing the reader’s attention right off the bat. JenJen Reviews pays homage to this truism with her feature, First Lines Friday, at Each week she gives the opening lines of a book to see if it gets your attention. In today’s…
June 11, 2021

Things You Wouldn’t Know If You Didn’t Read

Most people read novels for entertainment. It’s remarkable, though, how much you can learn from them. For example, I couldn’t speak Japanese until I read James Clavell’s Shogun. By the time I finished it, I was capable of making short, polite conversation. I knew that Battle Creek, Michigan, was famous…
May 28, 2021

Behold the Dreamers: A Chevron Ross Book Review

How does America look through the eyes of those who didn’t grow up in it? To the immigrants of Imbolo Mbue’s first novel, it’s the Biblical land God promised the Israelites, flowing with milk and honey. Though poor and struggling, Jende and Neni Jonga are thrilled to live in a…
May 21, 2021

Jane Friedman, the Author’s Best Friend

When I began work on Weapons of Remorse in September 2016, I knew very little about publishing. At that time, my only goal was to get the novel down on paper – literally. Ideas were burning in my head, but I had only a yellow steno pad on which to…
May 14, 2021

The Paris Library: A Chevron Ross Book Review

What could feel more homey to a book lover than a book about a library – especially one set in occupied Paris during World War II? Janet Skeslien Charles has produced a gem in this novel based on the true story of the American Library in Paris. It is a tribute…
May 7, 2021

Honoring Two Sci-Fi Classics

I don’t keep up with science fiction anymore, so I don’t know what the genre is like today. I do own about a dozen novels that are now considered sci-fi classics. Today I’d like to recommend two that share a similar theme. My all-time favorite is Solaris (1961) by Stanislaw…
April 30, 2021

Anne Tyler: Character Artist

Today I’d like to talk about one of my favorite authors. Anne Tyler lives in Baltimore, Maryland and has been writing for more than sixty years. Yet, I had never heard of her until the day I stumbled across a list of Pulitzer Prize winners. One of them was her…
April 23, 2021